“There are currently no star players in unemployment basketball, but we have to create them. I want Seodaemun-gu Office to be the cornerstone, and I want to have a good influence on other teams.”
Led by Park Chan-suk, Seodaemun-gu Office won four consecutive games to claim the gold medal at the 105th National Sports Games, which took place at Samcheonpo Gymnasium over six days from March 12-17.
Seodaemun District Office completed a ‘sweep’ of the 2024 Games, winning the first and second rounds of the Unemployed Federation Games, the individual championships, and the national championships. Even more impressive, 바카라사이트 the team achieved a perfect victory without losing a single game during the four competitions.

Seodaemun-gu Office Mayor Lee Sung-heon was on hand to watch the tournament, as he has done in the past. The first thing the players did when they realized they had won the championship was to visit the mayor of Seodaemun-gu, who gave them a rinse.
Mayor Lee Sung-heon said, “I wondered if I could take the rinse cloth since it was the result of the players’ sweat. It was cool after receiving it. I was so grateful,” he laughed.
“It’s been a little over a year since the team was founded, so there must have been a lot of difficulties in the process of building the team, but after seeing the hard work, sweat, and struggle of coach Park Chan-sook, coach Son Kyung-won, and the 11 players, I thought we could achieve good results. I am very proud of the coaching staff and players for winning the title.”
Seodaemun-gu Office athletes often mention Mayor Lee Sung-heon’s name in interviews.
When asked how he supports the team, he said, “Most of the players on our team have been through hardships. Some of them are professional athletes, but there are many who failed to make it to the pros, and many who wanted to continue their sports after graduating from college but couldn’t. We wanted to provide a better environment for these players to play in.” ”The city of Seoul provides a generous budget for the basketball team, and the players are rewarded for their hard work at the city level. The residents of the ward are also actively interested in the basketball team and give them strength.”
After winning an unprecedented championship and an overall title in the history of unemployed basketball, Seodaemun District Office is already looking ahead to next year. The team is determined to become an even stronger team next year by strengthening itself during the winter season.
“We are aiming to grow to the next level by strengthening our teamwork and developing new tactics,” said Mayor Lee Sung-heon. If the pros want to take our players, we are willing to let them go. If they want to take one of our players, we’re happy to let them go, but we want to continue to develop good players,” he said.
“Next year, we’re also considering overseas training camps. We are also planning to participate in international tournaments, such as the Real League in Hainan Province, China. In order for unemployed basketball to regain its former reputation, we need to participate in international events and continue to compete against big players.” ”We also need star players. Currently, there are no star players in unemployment basketball, but we need to create them. I want Seodaemun-gu Office to be the cornerstone, and I want to have a good influence on other teams.”
Seodaemun-gu Office has a separate department in charge of promoting and marketing the basketball team. Members of the public relations department travel with the team to every competition.
Mayor Lee Sung-heon said, “The staff at the ward office who support the basketball team have worked really hard this year. This year alone, Seodaemun-gu Office has been exposed to the media about 250 times. According to media experts, that’s over 10 billion won in publicity. Next year, we hope to generate more than 20 billion won in publicity,” he said.